Module datatap.droplet.image_annotation

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from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode

from datatap.utils import Environment
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict

from ..geometry import Mask, MaskJson
from ..utils import basic_repr
from .class_annotation import ClassAnnotation, ClassAnnotationJson
from .image import Image, ImageJson
from .instance import Instance
from .multi_instance import MultiInstance

class _ImageAnnotationJsonOptional(TypedDict, total = False):
        uid: str
        mask: MaskJson
        metadata: Mapping[str, Any]

class ImageAnnotationJson(_ImageAnnotationJsonOptional, TypedDict):
        The serialized JSON representation of an image annotation.

        kind: Literal["ImageAnnotation"]
        image: ImageJson
        classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotationJson]

class ImageAnnotation:
        A collection of class annotations that annotate a given image.

        image: Image
        The image being annotated.

        classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation]
        A mapping from class name to the annotations of that class.

        uid: Optional[str]
        A unique identifier for this image annotation.

        mask: Optional[Mask]
        An optional region-of-interest mask to indicate that only
        features within the mask have been annotated.

        metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
        An optional field for storing metadata on the annotation.

        def from_json(json: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Constructs an `ImageAnnotation` from an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = Image.from_json(json["image"]),
                        classes = {
                                class_name: ClassAnnotation.from_json(json["classes"][class_name])
                                for class_name in json["classes"]
                        mask = Mask.from_json(json["mask"]) if "mask" in json else None,
                        uid = json.get("uid"),
                        metadata = json.get("metadata")

        def __init__(
                image: Image,
                classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation],
                mask: Optional[Mask] = None,
                uid: Optional[str] = None,
                metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
                self.image = image
                self.classes = classes
                self.mask = mask
                self.uid = uid
                self.metadata = metadata

        def filter_detections(
                instance_filter: Callable[[Instance], bool],
                multi_instance_filter: Callable[[MultiInstance], bool]
        ) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that meet the given constraints.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = {
                                class_name: class_annotation.filter_detections(
                                        instance_filter = instance_filter,
                                        multi_instance_filter = multi_instance_filter
                                for class_name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()
                        uid = self.uid,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def apply_bounding_box_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that have bounding boxes which either do not have a
                confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
                return self.filter_detections(
                        instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                                instance.bounding_box is not None
                                        and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                        multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                                multi_instance.bounding_box is not None
                                        and multi_instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)

        def apply_segmentation_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that have segmentations which either do not have a
                confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
                return self.filter_detections(
                        instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                                instance.segmentation is not None
                                        and instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                        multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                                multi_instance.segmentation is not None
                                        and multi_instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)

        def apply_metadata(self, metadata: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation with the supplied metadata.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = self.classes,
                        uid = self.uid,
                        metadata = metadata

        def __repr__(self) -> str:
                return basic_repr(
                        uid = self.uid,
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = self.classes,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
                if not isinstance(other, ImageAnnotation):
                        return NotImplemented
                return self.image == other.image and self.classes == other.classes and self.mask == other.mask

        def __add__(self, other: ImageAnnotation) -> ImageAnnotation:
                if not isinstance(other, ImageAnnotation): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return NotImplemented

                classes: Dict[str, ClassAnnotation] = {}

                for key, value in self.classes.items():
                        classes[key] = value

                for key, value in other.classes.items():
                        if key in classes:
                                classes[key] += value
                                classes[key] = value

                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        classes = classes,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        uid = self.uid if self.uid is not None else other.uid,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def to_json(self) -> ImageAnnotationJson:
                Serializes this image annotation into an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
                json: ImageAnnotationJson = {
                        "kind": "ImageAnnotation",
                        "image": self.image.to_json(),
                        "classes": {
                                name: class_annotation.to_json()
                                for name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()

                if self.mask is not None:
                        json["mask"] = self.mask.to_json()

                if self.uid is not None:
                        json["uid"] = self.uid

                if self.metadata is not None:
                        json["metadata"] = self.metadata

                return json

        def get_visualization_url(self) -> str:
                Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
                visualization of this `ImageAnnotation`.
                params = {
                        "annotation": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

                return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/single#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"

        def get_comparison_url(self, other: ImageAnnotation) -> str:
                Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
                visual comparison of this `ImageAnnotation` (which is treated as the
                "ground truth") and the `other` argument (which is treated as the

                This method does not check that the two annotations agree on what image
                they are annotating, and will always use this `ImageAnnotation`'s
                params = {
                        "groundTruth": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":")),
                        "proposal": json.dumps(other.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

                return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/compare#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"


class ImageAnnotation (*, image: Image, classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation], mask: Optional[Mask] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None)

A collection of class annotations that annotate a given image.

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class ImageAnnotation:
        A collection of class annotations that annotate a given image.

        image: Image
        The image being annotated.

        classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation]
        A mapping from class name to the annotations of that class.

        uid: Optional[str]
        A unique identifier for this image annotation.

        mask: Optional[Mask]
        An optional region-of-interest mask to indicate that only
        features within the mask have been annotated.

        metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
        An optional field for storing metadata on the annotation.

        def from_json(json: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Constructs an `ImageAnnotation` from an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = Image.from_json(json["image"]),
                        classes = {
                                class_name: ClassAnnotation.from_json(json["classes"][class_name])
                                for class_name in json["classes"]
                        mask = Mask.from_json(json["mask"]) if "mask" in json else None,
                        uid = json.get("uid"),
                        metadata = json.get("metadata")

        def __init__(
                image: Image,
                classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation],
                mask: Optional[Mask] = None,
                uid: Optional[str] = None,
                metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
                self.image = image
                self.classes = classes
                self.mask = mask
                self.uid = uid
                self.metadata = metadata

        def filter_detections(
                instance_filter: Callable[[Instance], bool],
                multi_instance_filter: Callable[[MultiInstance], bool]
        ) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that meet the given constraints.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = {
                                class_name: class_annotation.filter_detections(
                                        instance_filter = instance_filter,
                                        multi_instance_filter = multi_instance_filter
                                for class_name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()
                        uid = self.uid,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def apply_bounding_box_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that have bounding boxes which either do not have a
                confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
                return self.filter_detections(
                        instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                                instance.bounding_box is not None
                                        and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                        multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                                multi_instance.bounding_box is not None
                                        and multi_instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)

        def apply_segmentation_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
                multi-instances that have segmentations which either do not have a
                confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
                return self.filter_detections(
                        instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                                instance.segmentation is not None
                                        and instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                        multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                                multi_instance.segmentation is not None
                                        and multi_instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)

        def apply_metadata(self, metadata: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
                Returns a new image annotation with the supplied metadata.
                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = self.classes,
                        uid = self.uid,
                        metadata = metadata

        def __repr__(self) -> str:
                return basic_repr(
                        uid = self.uid,
                        image = self.image,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        classes = self.classes,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
                if not isinstance(other, ImageAnnotation):
                        return NotImplemented
                return self.image == other.image and self.classes == other.classes and self.mask == other.mask

        def __add__(self, other: ImageAnnotation) -> ImageAnnotation:
                if not isinstance(other, ImageAnnotation): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return NotImplemented

                classes: Dict[str, ClassAnnotation] = {}

                for key, value in self.classes.items():
                        classes[key] = value

                for key, value in other.classes.items():
                        if key in classes:
                                classes[key] += value
                                classes[key] = value

                return ImageAnnotation(
                        image = self.image,
                        classes = classes,
                        mask = self.mask,
                        uid = self.uid if self.uid is not None else other.uid,
                        metadata = self.metadata

        def to_json(self) -> ImageAnnotationJson:
                Serializes this image annotation into an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
                json: ImageAnnotationJson = {
                        "kind": "ImageAnnotation",
                        "image": self.image.to_json(),
                        "classes": {
                                name: class_annotation.to_json()
                                for name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()

                if self.mask is not None:
                        json["mask"] = self.mask.to_json()

                if self.uid is not None:
                        json["uid"] = self.uid

                if self.metadata is not None:
                        json["metadata"] = self.metadata

                return json

        def get_visualization_url(self) -> str:
                Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
                visualization of this `ImageAnnotation`.
                params = {
                        "annotation": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

                return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/single#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"

        def get_comparison_url(self, other: ImageAnnotation) -> str:
                Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
                visual comparison of this `ImageAnnotation` (which is treated as the
                "ground truth") and the `other` argument (which is treated as the

                This method does not check that the two annotations agree on what image
                they are annotating, and will always use this `ImageAnnotation`'s
                params = {
                        "groundTruth": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":")),
                        "proposal": json.dumps(other.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

                return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/compare#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"

Class variables

var classes : Mapping[str, ClassAnnotation]

A mapping from class name to the annotations of that class.

var imageImage

The image being annotated.

var mask : Optional[Mask]

An optional region-of-interest mask to indicate that only features within the mask have been annotated.

var metadata : Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]

An optional field for storing metadata on the annotation.

var uid : Optional[str]

A unique identifier for this image annotation.

Static methods

def from_json(json: Mapping[str, Any]) ‑> ImageAnnotation

Constructs an ImageAnnotation from an ImageAnnotationJson.

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def from_json(json: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
        Constructs an `ImageAnnotation` from an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
        return ImageAnnotation(
                image = Image.from_json(json["image"]),
                classes = {
                        class_name: ClassAnnotation.from_json(json["classes"][class_name])
                        for class_name in json["classes"]
                mask = Mask.from_json(json["mask"]) if "mask" in json else None,
                uid = json.get("uid"),
                metadata = json.get("metadata")


def apply_bounding_box_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) ‑> ImageAnnotation

Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and multi-instances that have bounding boxes which either do not have a confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given threshold.

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def apply_bounding_box_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
        Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
        multi-instances that have bounding boxes which either do not have a
        confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
        return self.filter_detections(
                instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                        instance.bounding_box is not None
                                and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                        multi_instance.bounding_box is not None
                                and multi_instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
def apply_metadata(self, metadata: Mapping[str, Any]) ‑> ImageAnnotation

Returns a new image annotation with the supplied metadata.

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def apply_metadata(self, metadata: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ImageAnnotation:
        Returns a new image annotation with the supplied metadata.
        return ImageAnnotation(
                image = self.image,
                mask = self.mask,
                classes = self.classes,
                uid = self.uid,
                metadata = metadata
def apply_segmentation_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) ‑> ImageAnnotation

Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and multi-instances that have segmentations which either do not have a confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given threshold.

Expand source code
def apply_segmentation_confidence_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> ImageAnnotation:
        Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
        multi-instances that have segmentations which either do not have a
        confidence specified or which have a confience meeting the given
        return self.filter_detections(
                instance_filter = lambda instance: (
                        instance.segmentation is not None
                                and instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
                multi_instance_filter = lambda multi_instance: (
                        multi_instance.segmentation is not None
                                and multi_instance.segmentation.meets_confidence_threshold(threshold)
def filter_detections(self, *, instance_filter: Callable[[Instance], bool], multi_instance_filter: Callable[[MultiInstance], bool]) ‑> ImageAnnotation

Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and multi-instances that meet the given constraints.

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def filter_detections(
        instance_filter: Callable[[Instance], bool],
        multi_instance_filter: Callable[[MultiInstance], bool]
) -> ImageAnnotation:
        Returns a new image annotation consisting only of the instances and
        multi-instances that meet the given constraints.
        return ImageAnnotation(
                image = self.image,
                mask = self.mask,
                classes = {
                        class_name: class_annotation.filter_detections(
                                instance_filter = instance_filter,
                                multi_instance_filter = multi_instance_filter
                        for class_name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()
                uid = self.uid,
                metadata = self.metadata
def get_comparison_url(self, other: ImageAnnotation) ‑> str

Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a visual comparison of this ImageAnnotation (which is treated as the "ground truth") and the other argument (which is treated as the "proposal").

This method does not check that the two annotations agree on what image they are annotating, and will always use this ImageAnnotation's image.

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def get_comparison_url(self, other: ImageAnnotation) -> str:
        Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
        visual comparison of this `ImageAnnotation` (which is treated as the
        "ground truth") and the `other` argument (which is treated as the

        This method does not check that the two annotations agree on what image
        they are annotating, and will always use this `ImageAnnotation`'s
        params = {
                "groundTruth": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":")),
                "proposal": json.dumps(other.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

        return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/compare#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"
def get_visualization_url(self) ‑> str

Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a visualization of this ImageAnnotation.

Expand source code
def get_visualization_url(self) -> str:
        Generates a URL on the dataTap platform that can be visited to view a
        visualization of this `ImageAnnotation`.
        params = {
                "annotation": json.dumps(self.to_json(), separators = (",", ":"))

        return f"{Environment.BASE_URI}/visualizer/single#{urlencode(params, quote_via = quote)}"
def to_json(self) ‑> ImageAnnotationJson

Serializes this image annotation into an ImageAnnotationJson.

Expand source code
def to_json(self) -> ImageAnnotationJson:
        Serializes this image annotation into an `ImageAnnotationJson`.
        json: ImageAnnotationJson = {
                "kind": "ImageAnnotation",
                "image": self.image.to_json(),
                "classes": {
                        name: class_annotation.to_json()
                        for name, class_annotation in self.classes.items()

        if self.mask is not None:
                json["mask"] = self.mask.to_json()

        if self.uid is not None:
                json["uid"] = self.uid

        if self.metadata is not None:
                json["metadata"] = self.metadata

        return json
class ImageAnnotationJson (*args, **kwargs)

The serialized JSON representation of an image annotation.

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class ImageAnnotationJson(_ImageAnnotationJsonOptional, TypedDict):
        The serialized JSON representation of an image annotation.

        kind: Literal["ImageAnnotation"]
        image: ImageJson
        classes: Mapping[str, ClassAnnotationJson]


  • builtins.dict

Class variables

var classes : Mapping[str, ClassAnnotationJson]
var imageImageJson
var kind : Literal['ImageAnnotation']
var mask : Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]]
var metadata : Mapping[str, Any]
var uid : str