Module datatap.geometry.rectangle

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from __future__ import annotations

from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon as ShapelyPolygon
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union

from .point import Point, PointJson
from ..utils import basic_repr

RectangleJson = Tuple[PointJson, PointJson]

class Rectangle:
        An axis-aligned rectangle in 2D space.

        p1: Point
        The top-left corner of the rectangle.

        p2: Point
        The bottom-right corner of the rectangle.

        def from_json(json: RectangleJson) -> Rectangle:
                Creates a `Rectangle` from a `RectangleJson`.
                return Rectangle(Point.from_json(json[0]), Point.from_json(json[1]))

        def from_point_set(points: Sequence[Point]) -> Rectangle:
                Creates the bounding rectangle of a set of points.

                Note, it is possible for this to create an invalid rectangle if all points
                are colinear and axis-aligned.
                return Rectangle(
                        Point(min(p.x for p in points), min(p.y for p in points)),
                        Point(max(p.x for p in points), max(p.y for p in points))

        def __init__(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, normalize: bool = False):
                if normalize:
                        self.p1 = Point(min(p1.x, p2.x), min(p1.y, p2.y))
                        self.p2 = Point(max(p1.x, p2.x), max(p1.y, p2.y))
                        self.p1 = p1
                        self.p2 = p2

        def assert_valid(self) -> None:
                Ensures that this rectangle is valid on the unit plane.
                assert self.p1.x < self.p2.x and self.p1.y < self.p2.y, f"Rectangle has non-positive area; failed on rectangle {repr(self)}"

        def to_json(self) -> RectangleJson:
                Serializes this object as a `RectangleJson`.
                return (self.p1.to_json(), self.p2.to_json())

        def to_shapely(self) -> ShapelyPolygon:
                Converts this rectangle into a `Shapely.Polygon`.
                return box(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)

        def to_xywh_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
                Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, width, height)`.
                w = self.p2.x - self.p1.x
                h = self.p2.y - self.p1.y
                return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, w, h)

        def to_xyxy_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
                Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)`.
                return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)

        def area(self) -> float:
                Computes the area of this rectangle.
                return abs(self.p1.x - self.p2.x) * abs(self.p1.y - self.p2.y)

        def iou(self, other: Rectangle) -> float:
                Computes the iou (intersection-over-union) of this rectangle with another.
                x1 = max(self.p1.x, other.p1.x)
                y1 = max(self.p1.y, other.p1.y)
                x2 = min(self.p2.x, other.p2.x)
                y2 = min(self.p2.y, other.p2.y)
                intersection_area = max(x2 - x1, 0) * max(y2 - y1, 0)
                union_area = self.area() + other.area() - intersection_area
                return intersection_area / union_area

        def diagonal(self) -> float:
                Computes the diagonal length of this rectangle.
                return self.p1.distance(self.p2)

        def scale(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]):
                Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`. The scaling factor can
                either be a scalar (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will
                be scaled by the same factor on both axes, or a point-like
                (`Tuple[float, float]` or `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be
                scaled independently on each axis.
                return Rectangle(self.p1.scale(factor), self.p2.scale(factor))

        def center(self) -> Point:
                Computes the center of this rectangle.
                return Point((self.p1.x + self.p2.x) / 2, (self.p1.y + self.p2.y) / 2)

        def scale_from_center(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]) -> Rectangle:
                Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`, though translates it so
                that its center does not move. The scaling factor can either be a scalar
                (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled by the
                same factor on both axes, or a point-like (`Tuple[float, float]` or
                `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled independently on
                each axis.
                center =
                return Rectangle(
                        (self.p1 - center).scale(factor) + center,
                        (self.p2 - center).scale(factor) + center

        def clip(self) -> Rectangle:
                Clips the rectangle the unit-plane.
                return Rectangle(self.p1.clip(), self.p2.clip())

        def normalize(self) -> Rectangle:
                Returns a new rectangle that is guaranteed to have `p1` be the top left
                corner and `p2` be the bottom right corner.
                return Rectangle(self.p1, self.p2, True)

        def __repr__(self) -> str:
                return basic_repr("Rectangle", self.p1, self.p2)

        def __hash__(self) -> int:
                return hash((self.p1, self.p2))

        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
                if not isinstance(other, Rectangle):
                        return NotImplemented
                return self.p1 == other.p1 and self.p2 == other.p2

        def __mul__(self, o: Union[int, float]) -> Rectangle:
                if isinstance(o, (int, float)): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return Rectangle(self.p1 * o, self.p2 * o)
                return NotImplemented


class Rectangle (p1: Point, p2: Point, normalize: bool = False)

An axis-aligned rectangle in 2D space.

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class Rectangle:
        An axis-aligned rectangle in 2D space.

        p1: Point
        The top-left corner of the rectangle.

        p2: Point
        The bottom-right corner of the rectangle.

        def from_json(json: RectangleJson) -> Rectangle:
                Creates a `Rectangle` from a `RectangleJson`.
                return Rectangle(Point.from_json(json[0]), Point.from_json(json[1]))

        def from_point_set(points: Sequence[Point]) -> Rectangle:
                Creates the bounding rectangle of a set of points.

                Note, it is possible for this to create an invalid rectangle if all points
                are colinear and axis-aligned.
                return Rectangle(
                        Point(min(p.x for p in points), min(p.y for p in points)),
                        Point(max(p.x for p in points), max(p.y for p in points))

        def __init__(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, normalize: bool = False):
                if normalize:
                        self.p1 = Point(min(p1.x, p2.x), min(p1.y, p2.y))
                        self.p2 = Point(max(p1.x, p2.x), max(p1.y, p2.y))
                        self.p1 = p1
                        self.p2 = p2

        def assert_valid(self) -> None:
                Ensures that this rectangle is valid on the unit plane.
                assert self.p1.x < self.p2.x and self.p1.y < self.p2.y, f"Rectangle has non-positive area; failed on rectangle {repr(self)}"

        def to_json(self) -> RectangleJson:
                Serializes this object as a `RectangleJson`.
                return (self.p1.to_json(), self.p2.to_json())

        def to_shapely(self) -> ShapelyPolygon:
                Converts this rectangle into a `Shapely.Polygon`.
                return box(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)

        def to_xywh_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
                Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, width, height)`.
                w = self.p2.x - self.p1.x
                h = self.p2.y - self.p1.y
                return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, w, h)

        def to_xyxy_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
                Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)`.
                return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)

        def area(self) -> float:
                Computes the area of this rectangle.
                return abs(self.p1.x - self.p2.x) * abs(self.p1.y - self.p2.y)

        def iou(self, other: Rectangle) -> float:
                Computes the iou (intersection-over-union) of this rectangle with another.
                x1 = max(self.p1.x, other.p1.x)
                y1 = max(self.p1.y, other.p1.y)
                x2 = min(self.p2.x, other.p2.x)
                y2 = min(self.p2.y, other.p2.y)
                intersection_area = max(x2 - x1, 0) * max(y2 - y1, 0)
                union_area = self.area() + other.area() - intersection_area
                return intersection_area / union_area

        def diagonal(self) -> float:
                Computes the diagonal length of this rectangle.
                return self.p1.distance(self.p2)

        def scale(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]):
                Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`. The scaling factor can
                either be a scalar (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will
                be scaled by the same factor on both axes, or a point-like
                (`Tuple[float, float]` or `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be
                scaled independently on each axis.
                return Rectangle(self.p1.scale(factor), self.p2.scale(factor))

        def center(self) -> Point:
                Computes the center of this rectangle.
                return Point((self.p1.x + self.p2.x) / 2, (self.p1.y + self.p2.y) / 2)

        def scale_from_center(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]) -> Rectangle:
                Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`, though translates it so
                that its center does not move. The scaling factor can either be a scalar
                (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled by the
                same factor on both axes, or a point-like (`Tuple[float, float]` or
                `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled independently on
                each axis.
                center =
                return Rectangle(
                        (self.p1 - center).scale(factor) + center,
                        (self.p2 - center).scale(factor) + center

        def clip(self) -> Rectangle:
                Clips the rectangle the unit-plane.
                return Rectangle(self.p1.clip(), self.p2.clip())

        def normalize(self) -> Rectangle:
                Returns a new rectangle that is guaranteed to have `p1` be the top left
                corner and `p2` be the bottom right corner.
                return Rectangle(self.p1, self.p2, True)

        def __repr__(self) -> str:
                return basic_repr("Rectangle", self.p1, self.p2)

        def __hash__(self) -> int:
                return hash((self.p1, self.p2))

        def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
                if not isinstance(other, Rectangle):
                        return NotImplemented
                return self.p1 == other.p1 and self.p2 == other.p2

        def __mul__(self, o: Union[int, float]) -> Rectangle:
                if isinstance(o, (int, float)): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return Rectangle(self.p1 * o, self.p2 * o)
                return NotImplemented

Class variables

var p1Point

The top-left corner of the rectangle.

var p2Point

The bottom-right corner of the rectangle.

Static methods

def from_json(json: RectangleJson) ‑> Rectangle

Creates a Rectangle from a RectangleJson.

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def from_json(json: RectangleJson) -> Rectangle:
        Creates a `Rectangle` from a `RectangleJson`.
        return Rectangle(Point.from_json(json[0]), Point.from_json(json[1]))
def from_point_set(points: Sequence[Point]) ‑> Rectangle

Creates the bounding rectangle of a set of points.

Note, it is possible for this to create an invalid rectangle if all points are colinear and axis-aligned.

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def from_point_set(points: Sequence[Point]) -> Rectangle:
        Creates the bounding rectangle of a set of points.

        Note, it is possible for this to create an invalid rectangle if all points
        are colinear and axis-aligned.
        return Rectangle(
                Point(min(p.x for p in points), min(p.y for p in points)),
                Point(max(p.x for p in points), max(p.y for p in points))


def area(self) ‑> float

Computes the area of this rectangle.

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def area(self) -> float:
        Computes the area of this rectangle.
        return abs(self.p1.x - self.p2.x) * abs(self.p1.y - self.p2.y)
def assert_valid(self) ‑> None

Ensures that this rectangle is valid on the unit plane.

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def assert_valid(self) -> None:
        Ensures that this rectangle is valid on the unit plane.
        assert self.p1.x < self.p2.x and self.p1.y < self.p2.y, f"Rectangle has non-positive area; failed on rectangle {repr(self)}"
def center(self) ‑> Point

Computes the center of this rectangle.

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def center(self) -> Point:
        Computes the center of this rectangle.
        return Point((self.p1.x + self.p2.x) / 2, (self.p1.y + self.p2.y) / 2)
def clip(self) ‑> Rectangle

Clips the rectangle the unit-plane.

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def clip(self) -> Rectangle:
        Clips the rectangle the unit-plane.
        return Rectangle(self.p1.clip(), self.p2.clip())
def diagonal(self) ‑> float

Computes the diagonal length of this rectangle.

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def diagonal(self) -> float:
        Computes the diagonal length of this rectangle.
        return self.p1.distance(self.p2)
def iou(self, other: Rectangle) ‑> float

Computes the iou (intersection-over-union) of this rectangle with another.

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def iou(self, other: Rectangle) -> float:
        Computes the iou (intersection-over-union) of this rectangle with another.
        x1 = max(self.p1.x, other.p1.x)
        y1 = max(self.p1.y, other.p1.y)
        x2 = min(self.p2.x, other.p2.x)
        y2 = min(self.p2.y, other.p2.y)
        intersection_area = max(x2 - x1, 0) * max(y2 - y1, 0)
        union_area = self.area() + other.area() - intersection_area
        return intersection_area / union_area
def normalize(self) ‑> Rectangle

Returns a new rectangle that is guaranteed to have p1 be the top left corner and p2 be the bottom right corner.

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def normalize(self) -> Rectangle:
        Returns a new rectangle that is guaranteed to have `p1` be the top left
        corner and `p2` be the bottom right corner.
        return Rectangle(self.p1, self.p2, True)
def scale(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point])

Resizes the rectangle according to factor. The scaling factor can either be a scalar (int or float), in which case the rectangle will be scaled by the same factor on both axes, or a point-like (Tuple[float, float] or Point), in which case the rectangle will be scaled independently on each axis.

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def scale(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]):
        Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`. The scaling factor can
        either be a scalar (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will
        be scaled by the same factor on both axes, or a point-like
        (`Tuple[float, float]` or `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be
        scaled independently on each axis.
        return Rectangle(self.p1.scale(factor), self.p2.scale(factor))
def scale_from_center(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]) ‑> Rectangle

Resizes the rectangle according to factor, though translates it so that its center does not move. The scaling factor can either be a scalar (int or float), in which case the rectangle will be scaled by the same factor on both axes, or a point-like (Tuple[float, float] or Point), in which case the rectangle will be scaled independently on each axis.

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def scale_from_center(self, factor: Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float], Point]) -> Rectangle:
        Resizes the rectangle according to `factor`, though translates it so
        that its center does not move. The scaling factor can either be a scalar
        (`int` or `float`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled by the
        same factor on both axes, or a point-like (`Tuple[float, float]` or
        `Point`), in which case the rectangle will be scaled independently on
        each axis.
        center =
        return Rectangle(
                (self.p1 - center).scale(factor) + center,
                (self.p2 - center).scale(factor) + center
def to_json(self) ‑> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]

Serializes this object as a RectangleJson.

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def to_json(self) -> RectangleJson:
        Serializes this object as a `RectangleJson`.
        return (self.p1.to_json(), self.p2.to_json())
def to_shapely(self) ‑> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon

Converts this rectangle into a Shapely.Polygon.

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def to_shapely(self) -> ShapelyPolygon:
        Converts this rectangle into a `Shapely.Polygon`.
        return box(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)
def to_xywh_tuple(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float, float, float]

Converts this rectangle into a tuple of (x_coordinate, y_coordinate, width, height).

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def to_xywh_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
        Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, width, height)`.
        w = self.p2.x - self.p1.x
        h = self.p2.y - self.p1.y
        return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, w, h)
def to_xyxy_tuple(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float, float, float]

Converts this rectangle into a tuple of (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max).

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def to_xyxy_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
        Converts this rectangle into a tuple of `(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)`.
        return (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)