Module datatap.metrics.confusion_matrix

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from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict

from typing import DefaultDict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, cast

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from datatap.droplet import ImageAnnotation

from ._types import GroundTruthBox, PredictionBox

class ConfusionMatrix:
        Represents a confusion matrix for a collection of annotations.
        This class will handle the matching of instances in a ground truth annotations
        to instances in a set of matching prediction annotations.

        # TODO(mdsavage): make this accept matching strategies other than bounding box IOU

        classes: Sequence[str]
        A list of the classes that this confusion matrix is tracking.

        matrix: np.ndarray
        The current confusion matrix. Entry `(i, j)` represents the number of times that
        an instance of `self.classes[i]` was classified as an instance of `self.classes[j]`

        _class_map: Mapping[str, int]

        def __init__(self, classes: Sequence[str], matrix: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
                self.classes = ["__background__"] + list(classes)
                self._class_map = dict([(class_name, index) for index, class_name in enumerate(self.classes)])
                dim = len(self.classes)
                self.matrix = matrix if matrix is not None else np.zeros((dim, dim))

        def add_annotation(
                self: ConfusionMatrix,
                ground_truth: ImageAnnotation,
                prediction: ImageAnnotation,
                iou_threshold: float,
                confidence_threshold: float
        ) -> None:
                Updates this confusion matrix for the given ground truth and prediction annotations evaluated with the given IOU
                threshold, only considering instances meeting the given confidence threshold.

                Note: this handles instances only; multi-instances are ignored.
                ground_truth_boxes = [
                        GroundTruthBox(class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                        for class_name in ground_truth.classes.keys()
                        for instance in ground_truth.classes[class_name].instances
                        if instance.bounding_box is not None

                prediction_boxes = sorted([
                        PredictionBox(instance.bounding_box.confidence or 1, class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                        for class_name in prediction.classes.keys()
                        for instance in prediction.classes[class_name].instances
                        if instance.bounding_box is not None and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(confidence_threshold)
                ], reverse = True, key = lambda p: p.confidence)

                iou_matrix = np.array([
                        [ for ground_truth_box in ground_truth_boxes]
                        for prediction_box in prediction_boxes
                ], ndmin = 2)

                prediction_indices, ground_truth_indices = linear_sum_assignment(iou_matrix, maximize = True)

                unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
                unmatched_prediction_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

                for box in ground_truth_boxes:
                        unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

                for box in prediction_boxes:
                        unmatched_prediction_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

                for prediction_index, ground_truth_index in zip(cast(Iterable[int], prediction_indices), cast(Iterable[int], ground_truth_indices)):
                        if iou_matrix[prediction_index, ground_truth_index] >= iou_threshold:
                                ground_truth_box = ground_truth_boxes[ground_truth_index]
                                prediction_box = prediction_boxes[prediction_index]
                                self._add_detection(ground_truth_box.class_name, prediction_box.class_name)
                                unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[ground_truth_box.class_name] -= 1
                                unmatched_prediction_box_counts[prediction_box.class_name] -= 1

                for class_name, count in unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts.items():
                        if count > 0:
                                self._add_false_negative(class_name, count = count)

                for class_name, count in unmatched_prediction_box_counts.items():
                        if count > 0:
                                self._add_false_positive(class_name, count = count)

        def batch_add_annotation(
                self: ConfusionMatrix,
                ground_truths: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
                predictions: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
                iou_threshold: float,
                confidence_threshold: float
        ) -> None:
                Updates this confusion matrix with the values from several annotations simultaneously.
                for ground_truth, prediction in zip(ground_truths, predictions):

        def _add_detection(self, ground_truth_class: str, prediction_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                r = self._class_map[ground_truth_class]
                c = self._class_map[prediction_class]
                self.matrix[r, c] += count

        def _add_false_negative(self, ground_truth_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                self._add_detection(ground_truth_class, "__background__", count)

        def _add_false_positive(self, ground_truth_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                self._add_detection("__background__", ground_truth_class, count)

        def __add__(self, other: ConfusionMatrix) -> ConfusionMatrix:
                if isinstance(other, ConfusionMatrix): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return ConfusionMatrix(self.classes, cast(np.ndarray, self.matrix + other.matrix))
                return NotImplemented


class ConfusionMatrix (classes: Sequence[str], matrix: Optional[np.ndarray] = None)

Represents a confusion matrix for a collection of annotations. This class will handle the matching of instances in a ground truth annotations to instances in a set of matching prediction annotations.

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class ConfusionMatrix:
        Represents a confusion matrix for a collection of annotations.
        This class will handle the matching of instances in a ground truth annotations
        to instances in a set of matching prediction annotations.

        # TODO(mdsavage): make this accept matching strategies other than bounding box IOU

        classes: Sequence[str]
        A list of the classes that this confusion matrix is tracking.

        matrix: np.ndarray
        The current confusion matrix. Entry `(i, j)` represents the number of times that
        an instance of `self.classes[i]` was classified as an instance of `self.classes[j]`

        _class_map: Mapping[str, int]

        def __init__(self, classes: Sequence[str], matrix: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
                self.classes = ["__background__"] + list(classes)
                self._class_map = dict([(class_name, index) for index, class_name in enumerate(self.classes)])
                dim = len(self.classes)
                self.matrix = matrix if matrix is not None else np.zeros((dim, dim))

        def add_annotation(
                self: ConfusionMatrix,
                ground_truth: ImageAnnotation,
                prediction: ImageAnnotation,
                iou_threshold: float,
                confidence_threshold: float
        ) -> None:
                Updates this confusion matrix for the given ground truth and prediction annotations evaluated with the given IOU
                threshold, only considering instances meeting the given confidence threshold.

                Note: this handles instances only; multi-instances are ignored.
                ground_truth_boxes = [
                        GroundTruthBox(class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                        for class_name in ground_truth.classes.keys()
                        for instance in ground_truth.classes[class_name].instances
                        if instance.bounding_box is not None

                prediction_boxes = sorted([
                        PredictionBox(instance.bounding_box.confidence or 1, class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                        for class_name in prediction.classes.keys()
                        for instance in prediction.classes[class_name].instances
                        if instance.bounding_box is not None and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(confidence_threshold)
                ], reverse = True, key = lambda p: p.confidence)

                iou_matrix = np.array([
                        [ for ground_truth_box in ground_truth_boxes]
                        for prediction_box in prediction_boxes
                ], ndmin = 2)

                prediction_indices, ground_truth_indices = linear_sum_assignment(iou_matrix, maximize = True)

                unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
                unmatched_prediction_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

                for box in ground_truth_boxes:
                        unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

                for box in prediction_boxes:
                        unmatched_prediction_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

                for prediction_index, ground_truth_index in zip(cast(Iterable[int], prediction_indices), cast(Iterable[int], ground_truth_indices)):
                        if iou_matrix[prediction_index, ground_truth_index] >= iou_threshold:
                                ground_truth_box = ground_truth_boxes[ground_truth_index]
                                prediction_box = prediction_boxes[prediction_index]
                                self._add_detection(ground_truth_box.class_name, prediction_box.class_name)
                                unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[ground_truth_box.class_name] -= 1
                                unmatched_prediction_box_counts[prediction_box.class_name] -= 1

                for class_name, count in unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts.items():
                        if count > 0:
                                self._add_false_negative(class_name, count = count)

                for class_name, count in unmatched_prediction_box_counts.items():
                        if count > 0:
                                self._add_false_positive(class_name, count = count)

        def batch_add_annotation(
                self: ConfusionMatrix,
                ground_truths: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
                predictions: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
                iou_threshold: float,
                confidence_threshold: float
        ) -> None:
                Updates this confusion matrix with the values from several annotations simultaneously.
                for ground_truth, prediction in zip(ground_truths, predictions):

        def _add_detection(self, ground_truth_class: str, prediction_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                r = self._class_map[ground_truth_class]
                c = self._class_map[prediction_class]
                self.matrix[r, c] += count

        def _add_false_negative(self, ground_truth_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                self._add_detection(ground_truth_class, "__background__", count)

        def _add_false_positive(self, ground_truth_class: str, count: int = 1) -> None:
                self._add_detection("__background__", ground_truth_class, count)

        def __add__(self, other: ConfusionMatrix) -> ConfusionMatrix:
                if isinstance(other, ConfusionMatrix): # type: ignore - pyright complains about the isinstance check being redundant
                        return ConfusionMatrix(self.classes, cast(np.ndarray, self.matrix + other.matrix))
                return NotImplemented

Class variables

var classes : Sequence[str]

A list of the classes that this confusion matrix is tracking.

var matrix : numpy.ndarray

The current confusion matrix. Entry (i, j) represents the number of times that an instance of self.classes[i] was classified as an instance of self.classes[j]


def add_annotation(self: ConfusionMatrix, ground_truth: ImageAnnotation, prediction: ImageAnnotation, iou_threshold: float, confidence_threshold: float) ‑> None

Updates this confusion matrix for the given ground truth and prediction annotations evaluated with the given IOU threshold, only considering instances meeting the given confidence threshold.

Note: this handles instances only; multi-instances are ignored.

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def add_annotation(
        self: ConfusionMatrix,
        ground_truth: ImageAnnotation,
        prediction: ImageAnnotation,
        iou_threshold: float,
        confidence_threshold: float
) -> None:
        Updates this confusion matrix for the given ground truth and prediction annotations evaluated with the given IOU
        threshold, only considering instances meeting the given confidence threshold.

        Note: this handles instances only; multi-instances are ignored.
        ground_truth_boxes = [
                GroundTruthBox(class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                for class_name in ground_truth.classes.keys()
                for instance in ground_truth.classes[class_name].instances
                if instance.bounding_box is not None

        prediction_boxes = sorted([
                PredictionBox(instance.bounding_box.confidence or 1, class_name, instance.bounding_box.rectangle)
                for class_name in prediction.classes.keys()
                for instance in prediction.classes[class_name].instances
                if instance.bounding_box is not None and instance.bounding_box.meets_confidence_threshold(confidence_threshold)
        ], reverse = True, key = lambda p: p.confidence)

        iou_matrix = np.array([
                [ for ground_truth_box in ground_truth_boxes]
                for prediction_box in prediction_boxes
        ], ndmin = 2)

        prediction_indices, ground_truth_indices = linear_sum_assignment(iou_matrix, maximize = True)

        unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        unmatched_prediction_box_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

        for box in ground_truth_boxes:
                unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

        for box in prediction_boxes:
                unmatched_prediction_box_counts[box.class_name] += 1

        for prediction_index, ground_truth_index in zip(cast(Iterable[int], prediction_indices), cast(Iterable[int], ground_truth_indices)):
                if iou_matrix[prediction_index, ground_truth_index] >= iou_threshold:
                        ground_truth_box = ground_truth_boxes[ground_truth_index]
                        prediction_box = prediction_boxes[prediction_index]
                        self._add_detection(ground_truth_box.class_name, prediction_box.class_name)
                        unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts[ground_truth_box.class_name] -= 1
                        unmatched_prediction_box_counts[prediction_box.class_name] -= 1

        for class_name, count in unmatched_ground_truth_box_counts.items():
                if count > 0:
                        self._add_false_negative(class_name, count = count)

        for class_name, count in unmatched_prediction_box_counts.items():
                if count > 0:
                        self._add_false_positive(class_name, count = count)
def batch_add_annotation(self: ConfusionMatrix, ground_truths: Sequence[ImageAnnotation], predictions: Sequence[ImageAnnotation], iou_threshold: float, confidence_threshold: float) ‑> None

Updates this confusion matrix with the values from several annotations simultaneously.

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def batch_add_annotation(
        self: ConfusionMatrix,
        ground_truths: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
        predictions: Sequence[ImageAnnotation],
        iou_threshold: float,
        confidence_threshold: float
) -> None:
        Updates this confusion matrix with the values from several annotations simultaneously.
        for ground_truth, prediction in zip(ground_truths, predictions):